
Leadership & management

Entitlement and Effectiveness: How Upbringing Affects Leaders

Growing up rich or poor has a tremendous impact on your life — studies show it affects health, prospects, confidence — what about the quality of your leadership? Darden Professor Sean Martin discusses the ripple effect that means childhood affluence may prove a liability in the workplace.

A Hard Bargain: Race and Salary Negotiations

Diverse companies produce higher financial returns, yet the pay gap persists. Research from Professor Morela Hernandez examines the fact that racially biased hiring managers offer lower salaries to black candidates who negotiate. So what can organizations do to mitigate the impact of racial biases?

Teamwork: UVA Basketball Coach Tony Bennett’s 5 Pillars of Success

A method in the March Madness: Coach Tony Bennett has built the UVA men’s basketball program on “five pillars.” There may be something to this foundation: With a 29-3 record, the team earned a No. 1 seed for the 2018–19 season. Here, Darden professors elaborate on the pillars and why they work for high-functioning teams on and off the court.

Micromanagement: Misunderstood?

“Micromanagement” can have negative connotations. Employees may see it as controlling and demotivating, and superiors may see those accused of it as lacking strategic vision. But whether these detail-oriented behaviors are negative or positive actually depends on context.

Talking Ourselves Into It: How We Rationalize Bad Choices

When we unconsciously want to justify self-interested choices, we may rationalize with “moral disengagement.” Darden Professors Jim Detert and Sean Martin have studied eight common verbal cues that may indicate we’re disengaging.

Effective Management: Know-How vs. Leadership

As companies become technologies businesses, due to digital disruption, what type of leader is most effective? Darden Professor Roshni Raveendhran and USC Marshall Professor Kyle Mayer examined when leaders with strong technical competence or excellent managerial ability are effective and not so effective.

11 Key Characteristics of a Global Business Leader

How do you learn to conduct international business effectively? Professor James Clawson shares the 11 key characteristics of a global business leader.

Fear: The Big Inhibitor of Innovation and Transformation

Ed Hess discusses how an organization transforms: By helping its people mitigate fear of change. It starts with the right people asking the right questions.

C-Suite Insights With Scott Beardsley: Macy's President Hal Lawton

Scott Beardsley interviews Macy’s President Hal Lawton to discuss the state of retail, leadership and motivation, and the single most important career advice.

Sponsoring Women in the #MeToo Era

Darden’s Martin Davidson and Lisa Cannell discuss the difference between mentoring and sponsoring women — and the importance of leveraging difference at work.