The business knowledge provided by Darden Ideas to Action experts is not only broad; it runs deep. Collections highlight this depth by diving fully into interdisciplinary themes with research, analysis and commentary for forward-thinking business leaders who seek ideas they can immediately put into action in the workplace. Exploring a collection is like a streamlined way to cram for the big exam — if the exam had millions of dollars, a promotion or your company's reputation on the line.
Leveraging thought leadership from Darden Executive Education and a broad array of experts, Ideas to Action dissects the path to modern global leadership and shares insights from those who are succeeding along the way.
As automation and artificial intelligence technologies proliferate, Darden experts explore what the technology revolution means for the future of work and the role humans will play from the factory to the C-Suite and the need for responsible disruption.
Design thinking is a creative problem-solving approach in which managers apply the mindset and methods of designers to develop innovative products, processes and business models.
Impact investing is about companies finding long-term, sustainable solutions that benefit society and offer financial returns. Learn more about this fast-growing form of investing from Darden experts at the cutting edge.
From examinations of specific policies around the world to research on potential policies and impacts, Darden experts are leading conversations that can provide business practitioners with key insights to see around the corner to future policy impacts or look back and understand those of the past.
From the basics to advanced strategies, there’s almost infinite information in the market that can overwhelm any investor. Darden experts are here to distill what’s most important so investors at any level can glean the insights needed to understand the market and the forces moving it.
The global economy is an extremely complex machine. From economists to data scientists, Darden experts keep an eye on the world and follow the trade winds to ensure that business leaders can forecast the brewing storms before they hit.
Led by the Richard A. Mayo Center for Asset Management and a deep roster of leading finance professors, Darden’s experts provide the research and connection to practice that deliver key insights into the current and future of asset management around the world.
Effectuation is the logic of thinking used by expert entrepreneurs to build successful ventures. Darden Professor Saras Sarasvathy discovered the method through scientific research and has built a global movement of experts expanding research on and examining applications of the five principles of effectual action.
Led by the Batten Institute’s Business Innovation and Climate Change Initiative and leading professors studying sustainability, Darden experts explore what is happening — and what is needed — in business’ efforts to innovate to save the planet.
Stakeholders look to businesses more than ever to make a positive impact on society — from leading important social conversations to building the communities where they operate. Darden experts examine leading ways business can make an effective social impact and shine a light on those organizations leading the way.
Businesses, nonprofits and government institutions all bring unique strengths and skills to issues impacting society. When they come together in the form of public-private partnerships (P3s), the result is often a solution more powerful than any could achieve on their own.
Giving Voice to Values (GVV) is an innovative approach to values-driven leadership development in business education and the workplace pioneered by Darden Professor Mary Gentile.
Stakeholder theory is based on the principle that a firm should create value for all stakeholders, not just shareholders. It stresses the interconnected relationships between a business and its customers, suppliers, employees, investors, communities and others who have a stake in the organization.
Darden’s world-renowned experts continue share how organizations can create a strong culture of ethics and examine some of the most prominent ethical successes and failures in modern business.
In a world where understanding important cultural details can be the difference between business success and failure, Darden experts help unlock the door for managers who need to navigate cultural differences and understand the nuances of global business contexts.
Fresh water is essential for life and commerce, but not always available when, where and how it is needed. Darden experts have a leading role in innovative research, policy advice and education that takes a holistic approach to water management.
It’s impossible to lead in today’s global economy if you cannot negotiate diversity deftly. Darden experts shine a light on effective methods to leverage difference and the companies leading the way.
Darden experts provide insights into the value of diverse teams, how organizations attract and retain women, and how workplaces can become more inclusive environments that empower female employees to pursue their purpose as leaders at every stage of their careers.
We are on the leading edge of a Technology Tsunami that will transform how we live and work. In the workplace, humans will need to do the tasks smart technology won’t do well. How do individuals overcome natural cognitive and emotional proclivities in order to excel in uniquely human ways? And what work environment best enables human excellence?
A major driver of growth, marketing is a powerful business function. To help practitioners build effective marketing strategies in a dynamic marketplace, Darden experts explore important elements of this multifaceted area, including consumer psychology, customer relationship management, strategy, behavioral economics, marketing metrics and brand.
The novel coronavirus has spread around the world rapidly. What can be learned from countries already confronting outbreaks? And how do organizations, employees and leaders function in a world in which operations must continue but face-to-face may be impossible — the grand and growing telework experiment?
Creating more inclusive organizations requires leaders to continuously learn how to create and sustain fairness, vibrancy and productivity among a mix of stakeholders in the service of making an organization better. Darden experts provide actionable insights on this deeply complex and rewarding leadership practice.
Good Disruption is a podcast series featuring lively discussion between Professors Yael Grushka-Cockayne and Michael Lenox, sometimes joined by industry experts. They examine cutting-edge technologies and practices, then make personal calls on whether they amount to good disruption, bad disruption or actually no disruption.
Showcasing cutting-edge insights from our faculty and industry partners. This collection focuses on the business perspectives on the future of intelligence, and explores the multifaceted impact of AI on modern business practices, ethical considerations, and strategic decision-making.