
Leadership & management

Communicating Corporate Action on Climate Change: Q&A With Joanna Price, Sr. Vice President, Public Affairs and Communications, at Coca-Cola

How should brands communicate their sustainability plans and their corporate environmental performance? Professor June West and Joanna Price, Sr. Vice President, Public Affairs and Communications at Coca-Cola, explore the challenges of developing a successful communication strategy around climate action.

Leading Mindfully: COVID-19 and the Big Human Pivot, Part 2

In times of crisis, leaders need to watch out for at least two leadership blind spots: One involves overreacting, one denial — a “suck it up” approach can be valorized in certain work cultures. Here are practical actions to tame such impulses and bring greater clarity, calm and goodwill in a moment when how you show up as a leader really counts.

A Love for Leadership, a ‘Meh’ for Management: Fair?

Leadership and management: synonymous? Nope. Both are associated with defining behaviors, and research shows which are consistently seen more positively. But organizations need both leaders and managers to function. Here’s how to ensure the right people are hired for the right jobs.

In the Era of the Global Workplace and Dispersed Teams, How Can Managers Promote a Cohesive Culture?

How can managers promote consistent ways of working among team members from diverse cultural backgrounds who are based all over the world? And how can leaders help workers develop solid relationships with their colleagues even though they may not meet them regularly — if ever? Darden Professor Yo-Jud Cheng sheds light on those questions.

Communications in the Time of the Coronavirus: Lessons for Leaders

At a time of uncertainty and growing anxiety caused by the coronavirus pandemic, having transparent, consistent and empathetic communication with key stakeholders is more critical than ever. Darden Professor June West and Darden Executive-in-Residence Steve Soltis share four lessons in communicating through the fast-moving crisis.

Leading Through Crisis: Lessons From Past US Presidents

While no U.S. president has faced a challenge quite like the current one, what do past commanders-in-chief have to teach us about leading through a crisis. Professor Bob Bruner shares findings of the leadership styles of past U.S. presidents that could inform the current moment for leaders at all levels as we navigate the difficult path ahead.

Why You’re Probably Hiring the Wrong People

Americans cherish the idea of the truly self-made man or woman. So why does an elite pedigree often win the day when it comes to hiring for the top jobs? What prevents managers from rewarding those who make the leap from one social class to another, and more importantly, what are we missing when we favor the well born?

Leading Virtually Is Emotional

The science of collective intelligence is clear: a positive emotional state enables the highest levels of performance. How do we reach that in the midst of social distancing and the anxiety the COVID-19 pandemic breeds? Here: practical steps to create a positive virtual working environment and daily practices to foster emotional connection.

How to Leverage Virtual Technologies at a Time of Physical Distancing

Humanity is a social species — yet the coronavirus pandemic requires that we reduce physical contact. Here are actionable suggestions for effective interactions to help balance efficiency and connectedness, as modern technology helps us move our interactions to the virtual world and avoid significant social isolation.

What Leaders Need Now More Than Ever: A ‘Team of Rivals’

Churchill and Lincoln deliberately solicited the opinions of those who were willing to challenge them. Leaders may be best advised to evaluate where loyalty lies: the leader’s self-interest or the organization’s mission? Professor Detert discusses courageous leadership — necessary to get us through COVID-19.