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Most managers worth their salt know that building a successful organization requires more than just hiring smart people with the right blend of professional skills. Managers must also strive to foster a tacit social order, a mutual sense of purpose, and shared values and norms — in short, a strong company culture.
But at a time when employees were already working in teams increasingly dispersed around the globe, even before the coronavirus pandemic led to millions of new work-from-home offices, nurturing a cohesive culture is no small task. How can managers promote consistent ways of working among team members from diverse cultural backgrounds who are based all over the world? What can they do to honor their employees’ individual work styles, while also cultivating a collective team identity? And how can leaders help workers develop solid relationships with their colleagues even though they may not meet them regularly — if ever?
New research by Darden Professor Yo-Jud Cheng sheds light on those questions.
“Culture is a group-level phenomenon. With co-located employees, managers have a number of go-to team-building strategies at their disposal,” she says. “But leading a geographically dispersed team creates a special challenge. Managers not only need to develop an appreciation of their individual team members’ different beliefs and social mores, they must also make a concerted effort to support communal values and work patterns within a group of employees who are spread around the globe.”
Cheng’s research presents a framework for measuring and quantifying culture, which was developed with Harvard Business School’s Boris Groysberg and Jeremiah Lee and Jesse Price of executive search firm Spencer Stuart. Cultures fall along two primary dimensions: how people respond to change and how people interact. Taken together, they determine whether work environments are flexible or stable; and they reflect whether employees work independently or interdependently.
No single culture is inherently better than others. But, says Cheng, enormous value lies in building a culture that supports the organization’s strategy, and reinforcing cultural norms through leadership and communication. These organizational-level values play a critical role in influencing and guiding individual practices and behaviors; and yet, external factors can also shape employees’ actions and decisions.
A recent study conducted by Cheng and Groysberg, based on a survey of over 12,800 respondents around the world, highlights both commonalities and differences in organizational cultures across countries. A sense of caring, collaboration and teamwork is consistently found in workplaces across the globe, but organizational cultures differ in their degree of independence between employees. They found that organizations in Western Europe and in North and South America lean toward a high level of independence. Organizations in Western Europe and North America show an especially strong emphasis on achievement. Employees in these regions tend to be more goal-oriented and accustomed to working autonomously. In South America, however, independence manifests in light-hearted work environments where employees show a greater predisposition toward spontaneity and excitement.
Asian and Australian workplaces, meanwhile, are characterized by greater interdependence and coordination. In these regions, employees are united by careful planning, preparedness and the anticipation of change.
So, what are the implications of these variations on setting a cohesive organizational culture?
“Managers need to be mindful of how regional norms may drive employees to behave differently in certain work settings. For example, many East Asian cultures place more emphasis on rules and traditions around seniority, whereas in North America and Western Europe, tenure and rank aren’t guiding factors,” says Cheng. “By first fostering an inclusive team environment that respects and supports differences in today’s global workplace, managers can then lay the groundwork for building a shared culture that serves organizational goals,” says Cheng.
“Constant communication is key for establishing a shared group identity,” Cheng says. “Team meetings and calls needn’t start only when the boss gets on the line. Instead, the conference line or video chat should be left open so that team members can shoot the breeze with each other — similar to the way they would in real life, if they showed up to the conference room a little early.”
To be sure, creating a strong, cohesive culture among geographically dispersed team members requires a tremendous amount of time, energy, and resources. But, says Cheng, the effort is well worth it.
“Organizational culture is the glue that holds everything together,” she says. “It’s both a powerful lever for preserving, renewing and shaping an organization’s viability, and a critical lynchpin to maintaining an environment in which people enjoy working with each other and feel they can do their best work.”
An expert in strategic leadership, Cheng’s research focuses on corporate governance and top management teams. Specifically, she studies how board directors and executives shape strategy, governance and performance through her examination of the nuances of boardroom deliberations and executives’ attributes. Her work has been featured in mainstream media outlets including The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Fortune, CNBC and Harvard Business Review.
Prior to joining Darden’s Strategy, Ethics and Entrepreneurship area, Cheng received a Bachelor of Arts in economics from Wellesley College. She then served as an economic consultant before earning her Doctorate in Business Administration in strategy from Harvard Business School.
B.A., Wellesley College; DBA, Harvard Business School
In the Era of the Global Workplace and Dispersed Teams, How Can Managers Promote a Cohesive Culture?