
Entrepreneurship & innovation

Making the Ask, Part 2: Practical Steps to Entrepreneurial Expertise

When potential stakeholders don’t fit into categories such as an investor or a supplier, novice entrepreneurs often don’t approach them. Effectual asks, however, allow people to become involved with startups in many different ways.

Can Business Save the Earth?

The Earth is in trouble. Spoiler alert: There are no easy fixes. Many experts — including scientists, policymakers and business leaders — argue that to address sustainability challenges requires innovation on a massive scale. In the environmental crisis, the acceleration and adoption of sustainable technologies could change the game.

Making the Ask, Part 1: The Key to Entrepreneurial Success

You can’t always get what you want, but if you ask, you just might get what you need. Seasoned entrepreneurs seem to know this intuitively, and according to new research from Darden, they get what they need because they live by the mantra “Always be asking.”

Prototypes in HTML, CSS and JS Are the New PowerPoint

Every year, more Darden MBAs are joining what you’d generally call “technology companies” for reasons that may be obvious to you if you read Ideas to Action. Darden faculty consider how to equip them for those roles.

The Power of an Idea Meritocracy

To remain viable, most organizations will have to achieve not only higher-level technological capabilities, but also higher-level human cognitive and emotional performance.

Decarbonizing the Electric Utility Industry

This podcast reviews four zero-carbon emission generation sources and technologies that could lead us into the clean energy future – hydropower, nuclear energy, wind, and solar. Followed by a discussion on levers and opportunities for solar and wind adoption .

Crowdfunding: Beyond Financing

Crowdfunding is a good way to validate demand for a new product or service — and avoid pumping resources into a doomed business.

Becoming a Hyper-Learning Community: The Future of Business

Technology is advancing at a speed that far exceeds the rate at which many organizations are transforming.