A CEO goes on record supporting gun rights, and consumers react. Some stock up on the company’s products, others boycott. What fuels such “lifestyle politics”? Are consumers motivated by deep personal belief, or are they publicly signaling their values to an audience of like-minded peers?
Black police officers can be a model for how employees can do anti-racism work in the workplace, even in institutions historically entrenched in systemic racism. Any employee can learn to challenge racialized behavior, recruit and promote for representation, and go above and beyond outside of an organization.
Impact bonds are outcomes-based contracts that catalyse funding from “risk investors” to cover upfront working capital to deliver services. To improve the quality of education available for children in India, a goal aligned with the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals, the Quality Education India Development Impact Bond was formed.
Worker hotlines have long been used to identify and address grievances in the workplace. However, these complaint mechanisms can often suffer from a multitude of inefficiencies related to both the operation of the hotline itself and the usage by the workers. Research explores four central causes of the problem and potential solutions.
Is power inherently bad? Why do social class disparities emerge in organizations, and how can those organizations mitigate inequality — do they change hearts and minds or internal structure? Darden Professors Ed Freeman and Peter Belmi discuss power, leadership and inequality on The Stakeholder Podcast.
In these politically divided times, everyone seems to have an opinion. Is it a good idea for CEOs to express theirs? What happens to an organization when its CEO takes a public stance on a controversial issue? New research examines the net effect of CEO activism, how the effects differ for liberals and conservatives, and the effects’ duration.
We are in the midst of a crisis in child care. That’s not just for the parents or children directly and presently affected; if we don’t invest in quality care now, society will literally pay for it later. The matter touches issues of health, income, crime, IQ, costs to families and the public, and an individual’s ability to maintain employment.
Despite interest in responsible capitalism, promises on stakeholder value are being tested as COVID-19 scars economies across the globe. Professor Parmar sees a mixture of tensions — including matters of health and safety, stresses of pandemic life, issues of justice and equality — as the acid test for companies’ commitment to the stakeholder model
The health of Americans is worse than that of populations of other wealthy nations. The U.S.’ lower health status inflicts costs on individuals, families, businesses and society, all of which are interdependent — as are community health and economic prosperity. What strategies can ensure that vital conditions are met for all Americans?
People born to higher social class can make good impressions, be confident and end up in leadership. But they’re also geared to self-interest rather than collaboration. Research examines ties between childhood and current social class, mobility and entitlement; what this may mean for opportunity equality; and how it can be detrimental for firms.