Sixty years ago, famous American economist Leonid Hurwicz did groundbreaking research about the economic mechanisms theory. Today, Darden expert is interested in designing mechanisms to solve big challenges like energy usage and traffic flows.
Darden Professor Rajkumar Venkatesan proposes four steps for marketers to develop an AI “canvas,” through which they can deploy machine learning technologies to compete for customer attention.
How successful firms use data: Car insurance comparison site drove completion rates thanks to its analysis of customer behavior and web traffic. It serves as a case in point on the five key traits of organizations with exceptional cultures of experimentation.
Darden Professors Raj Venkatesan and Kim Whitler have found, in their research, seven key lessons that apply to all companies, whether they are “native” in data analytics or have transitioned into it.
In new research, Darden Professor Manel Baucells argues that retailers can grow profits by cutting prices sooner and more deeply than conventional modeling suggests.
Considering the high probability that an individual will require long-term care in some form or another, is an LTC insurance plan the best approach?
From a gym membership to a sandwich at the airport, it turns out the question “What are people willing to pay?” is complex. A new model will help companies and managers better account for the most prominent anomalies in consumer behavior.
Research by Darden Professor Samuel E. Bodily suggests several new ways to encourage entrepreneurs teetering on the edge of launching a high potential startup but fearful of the financial risks involved.
Studies have shown that when people feel ambivalent and don’t know why, they’re prone to poor decisions. In a rush to end the discomfort of ambivalence, they fall back on biased assumptions, misinterpret facts or get sidetracked by irrelevant issues.
Customer lifetime value, or CLV, refers to the single lump-sum value a firm can presently apply to future cash flows derived from a customer relationship and is a critical metric in an age of ubiquitous subscription services.