Trends and predictions for the AI world. The importance of careful communication. Groundbreaking research using neuroscience to predict human choices. Employee disengagement and what to do about it. The importance of generalists in a tech-driven working world. Darden Ideas to Action insights draw from faculty expertise, books, research and cases.
Communication strategies: Whether an organization is responding to a complaint, communicating about a crisis, or notifying employees about downsizing or a change in policies, individuals need to know how to deliver bad news to internal and external audiences. Leaders must focus on three goals: Convey the news, gain acceptance and maintain goodwill.
As conflict and climate-related disruptions increasingly threaten children’s futures, the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Ethiopia is prioritizing innovative approaches to nonformal education as part of its efforts to expand education access to out-of-school children and has partnered with the Luminos Fund as a public-private partnership changing the world.
Darden experts say thoughts on the new normal and the future of work.
How should brands communicate their sustainability plans and their corporate environmental performance? Professor June West and Joanna Price, Sr. Vice President, Public Affairs and Communications at Coca-Cola, explore the challenges of developing a successful communication strategy around climate action.
At a time of uncertainty and growing anxiety caused by the coronavirus pandemic, having transparent, consistent and empathetic communication with key stakeholders is more critical than ever. Darden Professor June West and Darden Executive-in-Residence Steve Soltis share four lessons in communicating through the fast-moving crisis.
The COVID-19 crisis has accelerated the number of teams working virtually. Here: tips for leaders of virtual teams on how to communicate expectations clearly, choosing the appropriate communication style and supporting a team from afar.
A collection of what to read from the latest Ideas to Action posts.
Not so long ago, CEOs were not the public face of their companies. But in the age of always-on media and the rise of superstar chief executives, CEOs must constantly give voice to the organizations they lead. Professor June West and Steve Soltis share what it takes for a CEO to succeed as a communicator.
Family businesses are unique and complex; they have aspects and layers to them that are unlike any other organizations. Professor June West and Alana Wall provide 10 recommendations for the resilient family business.