Insights From

Strategic Marketing

Branders-in-Chief, Part 1: Republican Presidential Campaigns

From “Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too” in 1840 to “Change We Can Believe In” in 2008, the use of branding in presidential campaigns is almost as old as the United States itself. In fact, from a marketing perspective, presidential candidates are not so different from consumer products.

Three Things: Three Myths of Marketing

Big data has transformed the way we do business. It’s changing the game of marketing to the point that long-held maxims are no longer true.

Positioning Your Positioning: High Rationality and Low Emotion

Vertical position matters in marketing communications. Recent research shows a new finding about verticality: Deciding whether to place promotional content higher or lower is especially important when the appeal of a product — from sports cars, food items and health care products to any number of tangible or intangible

Star-Spangled Shoppers: International Politics Drive Buying Choice

Darden Professor Raj Venkatesan discusses the effect nationalism has on consumer behavior during international conflict.

How Advertising Budgets Are Like Fly Balls

Just as improvement in manufacturing processes began with articulation of those processes, advertising budget processes will only improve if managers become more willing to document them.