The Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation promotes inclusive economic growth by giving developing and least developed countries better access to international trade. A neutral convener between government and business, it provides technical support and guidance, channeling global business knowledge. It is a leading public-private partnership.
We are in the midst of a crisis in child care. That’s not just for the parents or children directly and presently affected; if we don’t invest in quality care now, society will literally pay for it later. The matter touches issues of health, income, crime, IQ, costs to families and the public, and an individual’s ability to maintain employment.
The U.N.’s report on climate change reflects a more dire situation than the world may have anticipated in the 2015 Paris Agreement. We need multistakeholder action — across industries — including government policies and the private sector’s commercialization of clean technologies. Here, Darden experts delve into practical action companies can take.
The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued its assessment report on the increasing urgency of addressing climate change. Here Ed Freeman connects with Mike Lenox on the urgency around climate change and why stakeholder engagement is vital to solving one of the toughest political, engineering and technological problems.
Since 2000, the U.S. has experienced a decline in the number of publicly traded companies, a trend that comes with significant economic risks and implications. Proponents of deregulation cite increased disclosure and regulatory burdens placed on public companies as the cause. Is that indeed the case? Award-winning research examines the issue.
Professor Michael Lenox, who also serves as senior associate dean and chief strategy officer at Darden, delivers his expertise on climate action and says that success will depend on greening energy sources, reducing emissions from industrials, agriculture and buildings, and electrifying transportation.
The economic base of the postindustrial world is defined by technology and service industries and the rapid way machine learning is changing them. Artificial intelligence’s influence on consumer expectation and business strategy has changed the way the workforce delivers goods and services — and is existentially changing the workforce itself.
Solutions to many challenging problems, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change, require technological coordination and collaboration at the global level. Professor Ting Xu’s latest research identifies bilateral investment treaties (BITs) as a useful policy lever to promote the globalization of innovation.
The health of Americans is worse than that of populations of other wealthy nations. The U.S.’ lower health status inflicts costs on individuals, families, businesses and society, all of which are interdependent — as are community health and economic prosperity. What strategies can ensure that vital conditions are met for all Americans?
Investor tax credit programs are often touted as effective ways to promote high-growth entrepreneurship, job creation and economic growth. Professor Ting Xu’s study of angel tax credit programs in the U.S. provides new insights about their impact, raising serious concerns about using investor subsidies to promote entrepreneurship.