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As emerging markets continue to find their places in the global economy, a question remains: What mechanisms are most effective at stimulating economic growth in developing countries?
China makes a strong case for institutional reforms and structural transformations. In the last three decades, the country has undergone tremendous economic growth and development — largely due to its transition from a central-planning system to a market-based one.
But that’s only part of the story. My research team and I have found that changes in household behavior, savings habits, wage structures, income distributions and population policies have also had an impact on China’s economy and, more specifically, influenced the performance of its financial, labor and real estate markets.
Let’s take a closer look at this research, which explores China’s transformation and implications for other emerging markets.
The paper “Population Policies, Demographic Structural Changes and the Chinese Household Saving Puzzle” further illustrates how population control policies have brought profound socioeconomic changes for China and provides a rationale for relaxing the one-child policy in order to spur spending.
My research found that the structural cause of these imbalances is a set of policies and institutions embedded in the economy. The accession of China to the World Trade Organization has also dramatically amplified the effects of these structural distortions.
My perspective is strongly influenced by my childhood experience growing up in the shadow of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, which broke out under Chairman Mao Zedong in 1966. At that time, thousands of highly educated individuals were targeted for “re-education” programs, and my family was no exception. In 1969, when I was three years old, we were forcibly displaced to a province in the Chinese countryside.
There, I experienced extreme poverty. When a car passed by our village, dozens of children, all naked, would run after it because they had never seen one before. I learned very quickly what rural-urban disparities looked like in China. I also learned what a powerful role government can play in the economic success or failure of a country.
China’s profound institutional transformations in the past three decades make it an ideal learning laboratory for studying development.
China’s current elevated economic status is a model of what institutional and structural reforms can mean for a developing country. And this is why we, as business leaders, must seek new opportunities to propel emerging markets forward.
Indeed, our world depends on it.
This post contains discussions from “Modernization of Agriculture and Long-Run Growth” by Dennis Yang and Zhu Xiaodong, Journal of Monetary Economics (2013), “Aggregate Savings and External Imbalances in China” by Dennis Yang, Journal of Economic Perspectives (2012), and “Population Policies, Demographic Structural Changes and the Chinese Household Saving Puzzle” by Suqin Ge, Dennis Yang and Junsen Zhang.
Yang is an expert on China — its labor markets, financial systems and phenomenal growth, which have made it an economic contender. His broader research expertise includes economic development and growth, comparative economic systems, as well as labor and demographic economics in the context of emerging markets. A native of China, Yang has co-edited three books on economic reforms in China and served on the editorial boards of China Economic Review, Comparative Economic Studies, Journal of Demographic Economicsand Pacific Economic Review.
His wide-ranging research covers household behavior, education, savings and investment, wage structure, population policies, trade and labor markets, income distribution, analysis of famines, economic structural transformation and long-term growth.
He has consulted with international organizations such as the World Bank and Hong Kong Monetary Authority, as well as leading businesses such as The Conference Board and McKinsey. He is president of the Association for Comparative Economic Studies, and he was recently elected by the Ministry of Education in China to the Chang Jiang Chair Professorship.
B.A., University of California at Los Angeles; Ph.D., University of Chicago